Documents required for new registration:

  1. Application in Part I of Form B in triplicate.
  2. Copy of T.R-7 through which requisite fees, as specified in schedule I of the Rules,is to be paid into the local Treasury under appropriate Head of Account.

    Others related documents as may be asked to furnish along with the application:
    1. Notice of weekly closure in Form G.
    2. Notice of weekly holidays in Form H.
    3. One copy of appointment letters in Form X, duly received and signed by the employees concerned (to ascertain that all the employees have been given the appointment letters).
    4. Copy of Latest Trade License (to ascertainthe exact location, postal address, nature of business, category of the shop/establishment and name of the Proprietor, in case of Proprietorship Concern).The copy of first Trade Licenseapplication of Trade License (to ascertain the date of commencement of business).
    5. Copy of Voter Identity Card/ Bank Pass Book/ Adhar Card as proof of residential address of shop-keeper/employer, in case of Proprietorship Concern.
    6. Copy of Registered/Notarial Partnership Deed, in case of Partnership Concern.
    7. Copy of Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum and Article of Association from Registrar of Companies, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, in case of Limited / Private Limited Company.
    8. Form 32/ Dir. 12from Registrar of Companies (R.O.C.), Ministryof Corporate Affairs for appointment of and changes among Directors,in case of Ltd./Pvt.Ltd. company.
    9. Form 18 from Registrar of Companies, Ministryof Corporate Affairs as proof of address of registered office, in case of Limited /Private Limited Company.
    10. A List containing name and residential address of Directors, in case of Limited /Private Limited company, in company letter head.
    11. Certificate of Incorporation and Deed of Partnership, in case of Limited Liability Partners Firm.
    12. Copy of Tenancy Agreement wherever applicable.

Documents required for renewal of certificate of registration:

  1. Application in Form Dalong with the Current Registration Certificate.
  2. Copy of T.R-7 through which requisite fees specified in schedule I of the Rules,as required for new registration, is to be paid to the local Treasury under appropriate Head of Account.

    Others related documents as may be asked to furnish along with the application:
    1. A declaration containing name and date of appointment of all the employees employed as on date of application of renewal (to ascertain changes, if any, in respect of employees).
    2. Copy of renewed Trade License (to ascertain that the shop/establishment is currently, in operation).

Documents required for notice of change:

  1. Application in Form Calong with the Current Registration Certificate.
  2. Copy of T.R-7 through which requisite fees, as specified in schedule II of the Rules, is to be paid to the local Treasury under appropriate Head of Account.

    Others related documents as may be asked to furnish along with the application:

    - For notice of change in case of the employees joining the shop/establishment:
    1. Form C along with the Current Registration Certificate.
    2. One copy of appointment letter in Form X, duly received and signed by the employee concerned.
    - For notice of change in case of employees who have left the shop/establishment:
    1. Form Calong with the Current Registration Certificate.
    2. Copy of documents regarding payment of Full and final settlement of salary and other dues, if any, of the employee concerned and/or a declaration to this effect.
    - For notice of change in case of postal address and location of the shop /establishment:
    1. Form Calong with the Current Registration Certificate.
    2. Current Trade License
    - For notice of change in case of Director of Limited /Private Limited Company:
    1. Form Calong with the Current Registration Certificate.
    2. Form 32 / Dir. 12 from Registrar of Companies, Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
    3. A fresh list containing name and residential addresses of Directors.
    - For notice of change in name, in case of Limited / Private Limitedcompany:
    1. Form Calong with the Current Registration Certificate.
    2. Copy of FreshCertificate of Incorporation from Registrarof Companies, Ministry of Corporate Affairs
    3. Copy of Trade License.

For Duplicate registration certificate due to Loss of registration certificate :

  1. Form F
  2. Copy of T.R-7 through which requisite fees, as specifiedin schedule I of the Rules, is to be paid to the local Treasury under appropriate Head of Account.

Notice of winding up:

  1. Form E along with registration certificate.
  2. Notice of change in Form C, if there is any employee at the shop/establishment along with copy of documents regarding payment of Full and final settlement of salary and other dues , if any, of the employee concerned and/or a declaration to this effect (to ascertain that no employee is affected).
  3. Application for renewal in Form D, if renewal is pendingas on the date of application for winding up.